Memória e linguagem do cordel: o folheto popular como recurso pedagógico
The article aims to discuss Cordel Literature, presenting its characteristics, reflecting on its use as a pedagogical resource, which can be explored by teachers, since it has a very accessible and colloquial language, close to students' reality, interdisciplinary way, since it can be debated by any area, from the different themes present in this literature. The use of Cordel Literature in the classroom is very important, as a textual genre, in relation to several elements, among them, language, discourse, social values, and, especially, the motivation to read and write. It also brings possibilities of work with this art to be carried out by the teacher in his pedagogical practice, with stanzas and woodcuts, being this interdisciplinary, being able to be explored with its variety of themes and situations of humor, comedies, real events, stories. This discussion makes it clear that the Cordel can be used as a pedagogical resource to make classes more dynamic, contributing to the formation of readers and writers, a movement of teaching and learning, human and contextualized.
Keywords: Cordel literature. Language. Teaching Practice.
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