Adoecimento psíquico em atletas de alto rendimento: a importância da psicologia do esporte

  • Luane de Jesus Frades UNIFIMES
  • Evandro Salvador Alves Oliveira UNIFIMES
  • Bruno Manchini Varoli UNIVERSIDADE DE LONDRINA
  • Cíntia de Moraes Cabreira Carneiro Centro Universitário de Mineiros - UNIFIMES


The sports psychologist assists individuals in psychological preparation before and after competitions, and the performance of the same happens aiming at the search for physical and psychological well-being of athletes. In this sense, the theme addressed in this article discusses the importance of the psychologist in the sports universe, in order to highlight the performance of this professional in the lives of high-performance athletes. The main objective is to discuss certain potentialities arising from sport psychology that permeate the context of athletes. It is a research inspired by the qualitative approach, built from a bibliographic and systematic review, which relied on the analysis and interpretation of scientific data produced in recent years by theorists who discuss the theme announced here. As conclusions, it is highlighted that the sport psychologist, increasingly, gains space in the sports environment by performing important interventions that help athletes and competition teams to understand the obstacles and, above all, create solutions and alternatives that positively transform the difficulties of the sport. daily. In addition, this professional can prevent psychic diseases, as he acts in a way to intervene in work that involves results needs that sometimes occur under pressure suffered by athletes, which can lead to the psychic illness of such subjects.

Biografía del autor/a

Luane de Jesus Frades, UNIFIMES

Graduada em Psicologia (UNIFIMES).

Evandro Salvador Alves Oliveira, UNIFIMES

Doutor em Estudos da Criança pela Universidade do Minho (2020) - Portugal - linha de pesquisa: Educação Física e Saúde Infantil. Doutor em Educação pela Universidade de Uberaba (2019).


Professor de Educação Física. Graduado em Educação Física (UEL).

Cíntia de Moraes Cabreira Carneiro, Centro Universitário de Mineiros - UNIFIMES

Professora do Centro Universitário de Mineiros, Graduada em Psicologia (UNIFIMES), Mestranda em Psicologia (PUC/GO).
